viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Holiday Gift Exchange Goes Web 2.0

Free Online Service Makes Secret Santa Gift Giving Simple

Anyone who has ever organized a Secret Santa gift exchange knows all the legwork that goes into it -- and how much of a potential headache it can be.

Now a free online service called promises to make the process much easier by using a Web 2.0 approach. It's an online portal for organizing a group gift exchange and includes everything from mailing and management tools to wish lists and 12 Days of Christmas shopping guides that kick off on December 1.

You and your group can become members in three simple steps:

Sign up to create a log-in and password;
Enter the emails of the people you want to include in your gift exchange -- family, friends and coworkers, for example;
Click "Send Invitation" and an email will go out to each member in your group, with the name of the person they are buying gifts for.

Beside keeping the group organized, also recommends gifts that range from the latest gadgets and name-brand products to wares from independent designers who make unique and eco-friendly clothes and crafts. And just using can make your holidays greener since you won't be wasting gas driving to the mall and back -- and getting stuck in traffic each way.

Gifts on are organized in convenient categories such as Food & Entertaining, Home & Garden, Games, For Him, For Her and For Kids, and there's even a Give Back category with philanthropic gift ideas. Gifts are also listed in price categories of Under $25, $25-$50 and $50-$100. also offers a 12 Days of Christmas Gift Guide that allows members to browse thousands of gift ideas and add items to their own wish list -- which greatly reduces the chance that you'll give or get the dreaded pass-along gift.

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